Here’s a great idea on how to prepare for the chain of crises that will soon be coming to a theatre near you. The psychopaths promoting the New World Order have been busy poisoning our air, water and food supply, bankrupting our farmers and stealing their land, destroying our food production and distribution chains, shutting down our most reliable energy sources, burning down our forests, and murdering us with gene altering bio-weapons. To further decimate the earth’s population the eugenicist elite are recklessly pushing us towards WWIII. Humanity’s existence is under attack.
Our leaders are deafened by the internal choir of their lust for power. They can’t even hear us, let alone comprehend us or care about what we are saying. The drumbeat of profit has driven them mad and they crave only destruction and total control over every living thing. They own the banks, the money & credit supply, the governments, the international agencies, the corporations, the medical and public health agencies, the education and scientific research establishment, the political parties, the legal and justice system and both the mainstream and social media networks. To make matters worse, they also own or control most of the earth’s land and natural resources.
So what can you and I do about it? We must cut the main cable that delivers and sustains their power… the financial system. The financial system is used to control the economic system, the political system and the legal system. It is the root of evil that sustains the satanic snakes of destruction. But how can we do it… it is so powerful and widespread?
A great place to start would be at the investment level. If we could start a new investment fund that invests solely in essential survival assets such as land, food, water, energy, timber, etc. we might stand a chance. Not only would the fund provide standard share ownership and income benefits, but shareholders would get premium access to life sustaining products and resources in times of crises. Run by a Board of Directors of trustworthy experts who have already proven their honesty, bravery and moral character (prior to and during the Covid-19 era) the fund would invest in essential asset providers only. Completely transparent and open to investor scrutiny, pathways to invest could be direct to individuals or through managed funds. No large institutional investors or organizations like Blackrock, Rockefeller, Gates, Soros, Hathaway, Clinton, Ford, etc. or investment banks like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, J. P. Morgan, etc. would be allowed any voting rights. All shares would be registered in the names of the actual individual owners.
Individual investors would be encouraged to contact their fund managers and demand that a majority of their portfolio be allocated to the SAFE fund. All investments received would be used to purchase new essential resources that are necessary to survive the upcoming crises that the lunatic fringe have planned. Ordinary citizens with no personal or private pension funds who just want to protect their bank assets could withdraw their savings and invest directly into the fund to avoid the risk of lost capital due to the looming bank failures. As investors drain share values from the market leaders like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, Meta, etc. their power and influence will weaken. Redirecting funds to support independent farmers, local food processing and distribution networks, alternative energy producers, sustainable timber and water suppliers, etc. will create new jobs and enhance security at the community level.
We need to get on this NOW. Please circulate this idea as widely as possible. Withdrawing our funds before the financial collapse the cabal has planned could save us a fortune. A lot of the directors of the largest companies on Wall Street have started to sell the shares of their own companies. Something big is coming very soon. Let’s get our money out now.
OMGosh this is absolutely brilliant. Yes, yes and yes to this. This would work. We need to get onto it quick smart.
While that is a good idea, given the power They have (by virtue of money), I will doubt They will let such a thing persist. They will infiltrate, or damage, or destroy, or whatever it takes. What We would best do, as far as I can see, is strip Them of that tool to power. Eliminate the need for money altogether.
And that is possible by making its foundational function pointless. Money started out (in trade/barter) being used to ensure everyOne was adding Their "fair share" of energy, not skating on the efforts of Others. This only happened in societies that lived in scarcity, where all hands were needed to get necessary work done.
In societies that emerged in abundance, where all They needed was there for the taking, though cultures differed, the commonalities included no accounting for the energy any Individual added arose. The caring Ones took care of things, not the psychopaths controlling them. And They were happy, creative, joyful, People.
So, We add free energy tech. This makes the accounting for Our energy added pointless, and since 100% for the cost of everything is energy - the resources sit here freely, but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration - with free energy flowing, the costs will drop to zero.
We can add robots for necessary work no One WANTS to do - cleaning commodes, for example - freeing Us to do what We LOVE to do. Freeing ALL of Us.
The Foundational Function of Money (article):
EDIT to add: What of Us who have nothing to invest? Are We screwed?