The world will know peace when the people rise up together, in
celebration of their own divinity, to defeat the moneychangers.
GOD money is an alternative to the DEBT money of Satan. It recognizes the supremacy of natural law and the preternal, inherent rights of all human beings to choose freely for themselves how to live and contribute their gifts and talents to society. This natural sovereignty bestowed by Creation is supreme and above all other laws created by society. GOD money eliminates financial coercion as a means to force or entice people to act in any way that is against their will. GOD money eliminates debt slavery and ridiculous financial inequality entirely.
The Substack articles that I posted in December introduced some of the foundational problems with our current debt-based, profit-driven economic system. This article will give an overview of how a natural, non-exploitive money system would work. Basically, it would be a public accounting system operating entirely online. There would be no printed or minted physical currency of any kind. This could change later if enough people requested it. It would be completely transparent and visible to all who use it. There would be no place to hide corruption or fraud. The software it operates on would be open source and all information would be protected using the highest quality, state-of-the-art data encryption and distribution technologies. Anyone who tried to inflate the hours they contribute would be caught because there are only 24 hours in a day and all online claims of hours worked are visible and verifiable by all. Also if a person was trying to claim higher than the actual hours worked, the lower prices of other traders offering the same products and services would expose his dishonesty.
The basic unit in the structure of the network is the local cell. All trading membership is initiated and maintained locally. All work hour credits originate locally and all trade transactions are recorded and settled locally. As trade expands regionally new local cells form and are added to the network. The core trading software is shared with all new locations. It must be maintained but may be modified or expanded to meet local needs. Each new location increases the supply and variety of traded goods and services. Different locals are connected via the internet but all of the recording and accounting for trades is stored locally. Regional, national and international cells are merely the distributive and connective tissue of the system.
Local cells are autonomous and have near total control over local policy and decision making. There is no top-down hierarchy or remote, centralized command centre. Local cells must abide by the rules that are essential to keep the network running smoothly but other than that they are free to set local policies themselves. All users are invited to participate in the governance and management of their local cell and they can contribute ideas easily online via blogs, chats and messages. Important issues can be voted on and the results will be treated as recommendations to the membership rather than strict regulations. Being aware and respectful of the opinions of others will be a highly regarded social attribute.
The GOD money system embraces and supports both commercial and volunteer labour. Whatever it is that you love to do you can share it here. Whenever you have a few hours to spare just let yourself go, paint a picture, write a poem, build some furniture, bake some bread, then share it with your neighbours online. Larger tasks and projects can be accomplished by joining together with others in cooperative actions. By hooking up locally, small businesses will flourish and grow to help sustain an independent local economy. As more and more people see the light in your smile and joy in your heart they too will add their own gifts to the community using hours. Many of the raw materials and resources that are available now only with debt-based dollars will become priced in hours only. At first, GOD money may only strip out labour costs from prices, thereby reducing the amount of debt-dollars needed to acquire goods and services… in other words GOD money will help your debt dollars go farther. But as the idea catches on and others contribute their skills and savings to new enterprises the benefits and relief that arise from self-reliance will increase the variety and supply of raw materials and primary components so that a broad range of production can be priced using hours only. At least initially, there will be no tie in to the dollar-based financial economy or banks. Any agreed upon dollar value transfers to recoup input costs will remain the sole responsibility of the traders. No exchange rate will be maintained between labour hours and dollar values. Producers will be free to sell their goods and services to the public to recoup their dollar-based input costs, but if the public wants to purchase any of the production in the labour-based economy they will be encouraged to become traders themselves using hours.
We don’t need a bloody revolution or the permission of the current powers that be to get started. We only need to get busy doing what we love to do to help others and enrich the garden of life for everyone. Start small and channel only a little of your time and resources into this system. Test it out and see how it works for you and how it brings others to life again with hope and friendship. Here is a short overview of the steps necessary to start a local cell and begin trading.
Two or three people who believe the concept is worth trying get together to talk and plan a course of action. Right now the online database and operating software is not fully developed yet. We need people to spread the word and hunt for capable developers who are philosophically and morally in sync with the intentions of this project. The right people will be willing to work for hours plus expenses themselves and they will be the first to generate the new hour credits. As the programmers and internet experts work their magic, others will be added to the core administrative group planning the local launch. A wide variety of talent and experience will be needed and a lot of un or under employed people will find new meaning in their lives. Advertising and social media networking strategies will need to be developed and launched to introduce GOD money locally. Public information sessions, seminars and simple training videos will help spread the excitement. Word-of-mouth should do the rest.
Below I have included what I hope is a clear and understandable summary of how GOD money trading systems will work. I have also provided links to additional downloadable pdf files that contain details about the online web pages like registration, listing forms, transaction requests and offers, etc. Please take your time and enjoy the voyage into this new territory. I certainly don’t claim to have access to all or even half of the answers or possibilities of this great project. All I am certain of is that we better start acting together NOW to secure a free and open future for our children and grandchildren. If you would like to volunteer your time (for payment in hours only) and contribute the use of your resources for free, then please contact me at
God bless you all and Merry Christmas
In the diagram above, a Worker provides 10 hours of commercial labour (shaded in green)
- If he or she is an employee then a record of the labour transaction is sent to the credit account of the employer (shaded in blue) and the employer’s stored input costs (negative credits) increase by 10 hours
- If he or she is self-employed and sells directly to end users then only the end user’s (shaded in yellow) credit account is billed.
In both cases the worker’s credit account only increases when the recipient of the labour confirms the transaction. Just like today, an employer must confirm a worker’s labour contributions. Unlike today however, an employer does not need to have a reserve of his own money to pay the worker. The act of working itself creates the new money credits that are deposited into the worker’s online account.
- all money is backed by socially productive labour that has already been contributed by a worker. Money is no longer backed by a totally unrelated medium with an imaginary value like gold or crypto or simply the power to tax.
- a self-employed worker’s labour hours also create new labour credits that are recorded in his credit account upon his own confirmation. This process can continue for a pre-determined time based upon the business plan of his operation. Once this pre-determined time passes, if a self-employed producer is not generating the expected volume of transactions with end users, further automatic labour credits to his online account will stop and confirmations from end users will become necessary. If his inventory is again reduced to reasonable levels then automatic labour credits will be restored without the need for end user verifications.
- all business-to-business transactions are simply accounting entries that record the movement of goods and services along a production or distribution chain. They are not sales and they do not involve any payments.
- non-commercial or voluntary labour adds value to society and increases the quality of life for all. Caring for loved ones ourselves is certainly just as valuable as paying someone else to do the caring for us. In our current economic system, to balance accounts, we would have to charge ourselves exactly the same amount as we paid ourselves to do the work which doesn’t really make economic sense. The GOD money system however recognizes that the improvement in the quality of life reaches beyond just the two parties involved in a volunteer transaction and into the broader community. A happier, less stressful life for all is a valuable result of the kindness expressed through voluntary action. In recognition of this, socially-oriented voluntary labour generates 1 new labour credit for every 2 hours of labour contributions (this ratio is just a suggestion and should be changed if people so desire).
- a volunteer worker (shaded in green) agrees to provide labour at the reduced volunteer rate
- the worker sends a record of the transaction to either an employer (shaded in blue) or an intermediary organization (shaded in red) or directly to the end user (shaded in yellow).
- if the end user has the ability and desire to make a donation for the labour provided then the labour the credits that are recorded in his credit account are reduced by that amount. If the donation made is less than the total amount of labour provided then the difference is recorded in a public donation account that has been created online.
- if the end user does not have the ability or desire to make a donation, then the entire labour amount contributed becomes a social donation and is entered into the public donation account.
There is a lot to take in here, so I will stop now and simply provide the links to additional pdf files that describe various components of the online trading system.
the network structure - part one
the network structure - part two
components of a registration form
components of a listing form - part one
components of a listing form - part two
steps in the transaction process - part one
steps in the transaction process - part two
Hello Don. The GOD Money symbol above is so creative, so beautiful and so full of potential. TY!
Thank you Don! Your proposal merits consideration. I look forward to exploring deeper. What happens if there is a power outage, the grid goes down?