The Bull of profit is running wild inside the minds of the public. Because people who charge with profit acquire more money to spend, they believe that it increases their purchasing power. But as shown in my last post, this is the lie that fuels the constant need for debt and provides those who create the debt with an ever growing source of interest income.
Teaching us to ignore the carnage that the compound profit creates was necessary to unleash the Bull and inspire ruthless competition. The more people seeking profit, the greater the need for debt… so they feed the beast by making profit the “Sacred Cow” of capitalism.
Profit is like a private tax that is always paid by the taxpayer/consumer. Profits embedded in the external input costs of products and services that businesses use are always passed along to consumers in final prices. Profits embedded in the products and services that governments use are always passed along to consumers through taxation. And wouldn’t you know, all of the interest costs of both business and government debt are shuffled along to consumers as well through prices and taxation. Is it any wonder that taxation and inflation just keep on growing, forcing more and more families into poverty.
This is the path to the New World Order. Gradually raising the cost of living and making people more dependent on government “benefits” cooks the frogs slowly enough that they don’t see the danger and jump out of the pot. Interest is a private tax paid to lenders, government taxation is a public tax that is just as harmful as interest. Both siphon off the income of workers and steal the wealth that their labour produces. Look around you at the kingdom of corporate and government assets. The owners never produced any of it themselves. Workers built it all then had to pay for it multiple times over because of compound interest and profits.
It doesn’t really matter who produces the goods and services we need to survive. We will be brutally exploited by either private profit or public taxation if we continue to allow our current financial system to dominate our lives. If businesses took over all of the services of government and taxes were eliminated we would still be mauled by compounding profits. If government took over all of the production functions of business we would sink into a sea of endless taxation. Hopefully once people break free from the spell of profit and realize that the Bull is the primary driver of the debt-money system, the benefits of free cooperation will become obvious.
The corporate/government elite know that we are nearing the end of another financial cycle and that the burden of unaffordable debt will soon bring down the whole house of cards. That is why they are so eager to have a digital currency replacement ready before the stock market crash of 2029 comes. The crisis caused by the coming financial collapse is a premeditated, necessary part of their agenda for complete totalitarian control over every aspect of our lives. They have been busy preparing new foreclosure laws to facilitate the worldwide seizure and expropriation of both our financial and physical assets. The W.E.F. wasn’t kidding when they said in the future you will own nothing.
Please help others wake up and break free from the scam of profit. It is not in the best interests of society. We can and must do better than this if we are to remain free. We must reject the policies and agendas of the criminal cartel that has ruled the planet for centuries. We still have the power to save ourselves. They still need our labour and our purchasing power to complete their total takeover. Once robotic production, distribution and retail automation is complete we will be powerless and completely dependent upon them. We must act together NOW to build and use an alternative economic system to reclaim our productivity. That’s what the money2.0 series of articles is all about. Please add your ideas and comments to the posts and help build the solutions we need. The more of us that get involved the better the solutions will become.
I really do wonder how to get people, especially those with small business to reject profit. I agree it has to go, so the only way I can show people it has to go is by sharing your article.
I just hope people will get the message. But how will they suddenly decide to reject profit? Who will be the first to work (say small business) for no profit?
I do ponder not getting profit when what One gets is not enough to deal with the costs of life... Of You put $100 into materials for what You do, and need $200 to pay for rent, food, utilities, etc. and charge so that You get $100 back... Then what? And is Your energy added worth nothing?
Maybe I'm missing some point here...