We must unite with our neighbours at the municipal or township level to resist the local implementation of the globalist agenda. Our local municipalities must respect and protect the rights of their residents otherwise they have no legitimate authority to govern. Once the social fabric of trust is torn by deceit and self-interest, peaceful, cooperative communities are no longer possible. A surveillance state run by an authoritarian dictatorship soon follows as individual rights and freedoms die. Each of us has a moral responsibility to prevent this from happening.
Last year localResistance.org was launched to help people locate and connect with neighbours who were aware and willing to resist. Despite having no money for advertising, having been kicked off Facebook, LinkedIn, etc, and having no cell phone to access Telegram or other social media sites, Local Resistance now has over 800 members in 34 countries. It’s a good start but we need 1,000s of members in every jurisdiction to be truly effective at resistance.
All it takes to get started is to make contact with ONE additional person. Call or email one new person in your area and chat, then meet face-to-face and have a coffee (or beer) together. Discuss how to grow a neighbourhood cell and agree to contact one more new person each. Repeat the process again and the group now has FOUR members, and again to grow to EIGHT. In each cycle, each individual only needs to contact one new person in their area. The group can decide for itself how big it becomes before it splits into two cells. Eight members is about the limit before it starts to become impersonal. A smaller group remains more vibrant and democratic than a larger one. The process of dividing into two smaller cells is called “bursting”.
Groups can decide what goals and strategies suit them best. A broader range of local issues can be monitored and addressed effectively this way. Flexibility and inner cell cohesion is maximized while multi-cell cooperation and coordination is maintained. All group members should be encouraged to show up when the need arises. Whether it is to attend a town council or school board meeting, or to resist and video record an unjust bylaw enforcement or arrest, maximum solidarity is required.
Let your primary interests guide you. Choose where your passions and skills will be utilized best. As local cells divide and develop, be a part of multiple cells. Broadly speaking cells can focus on either resistance or the development of alternatives. Resistance cells could target areas like digitalIDs, smart cities, scamdemic health policies, school policies & curriculums, censorship & criminalization of speech. Alternative cells could include areas like local food supply, heat & energy alternatives, barter & exchange options, alternative education, healthcare, etc. Local Resistance simultaneously involves both moral resistance and the development of alternative networks. As local cells develop independently the potential for regional, provincial, national and even international cooperation grows. When a particular resource is lacking locally, cells can trade in a symbiotic network of cells worldwide.
It all starts with YOU. Contact just one person and initiate a new friendship. Discuss shared interests and concerns. Talk about next steps. Plan a local growth strategy. A communications cell could focus on public notices, flyers, signs, film screenings, video messages in local businesses (bars, waiting rooms, etc.), demonstrations, public meetings and events at libraries, legions or churches. An emergency response cell could focus on locating and coordinating local resources and supplies necessary in the event of a power outage, supply chain failures, weather events or bank and financial system disruptions. A political action cell could focus on municipal affairs and the policies of public health agencies, school boards and police. Investigating and sharing what is going on inside these bureaucracies is essential. Organizing public resistance to any embedded corruption could be one objective of such a cell.
Local Resistance is an incubator for the new freedom operating system that is necessary if individual freedom is to survive. Individual freedom depends on individual responsibility for its preservation. Those who choose to do nothing can blame no one but themselves for the takeover of society by greedy self-interest. Rather than succumbing to despair, ignite yourself with cooperative action and harness the power of moral righteousness to defend yourself and your family. We can win this together, but YOU have to get involved.
Please sign-up and get active,
Other resistance groups to follow:
You might also want to protect your private property from being unlawfully breached by the authorities with these No Trespassing notices. The first was adapted from the Action4Canada website. The second one I created myself to convey a stronger psychological message. Feel free to download and print these 5” x 8” signs on either aluminum or plastic. Printing costs range between $20 and $30 each.
Also, check out Maggie Braun’s terrific work at Gather 2030
URGENT REQUEST: Anyone who is familiar with the integrity of my posts and who is willing to attest to the sincerity of my efforts to find genuine solutions to the corporate/government takeover of society, PLEASE comment on and correct this attack by Lawyer Lisa against localResistance.org. I have responded myself and have tried to explain why her post is entirely off the mark but I need others to corroborate the authenticity of my comment. PLEASE help support the enormous effort that I have put into localResistance.org Here is the link to Lisa's misguided substack post: https://lawyerlisa.substack.com/p/are-these-sham-organizations-to-hunt
Hi Don, I’m going to send a message to someone soon, they won’t be close to me, but they’ll be in the same state as me in Australia.
I’m a bit behind with everything at the moment, but thank you so much for your newsletter, I just haven’t been able to give it the attention it deserves just yet. Will have time soon. I hope you are well. You do good work Don, I love it!