Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

I just finished watching Jake Jackson's “Is This The Most Important Video in The World?”


Congratulations, powerful Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric. When you experience knowledge like this, even if it is the first time, it resonates inside you and it feels like something you had always knew but had forgotten. Discovering Truth seem more like remembering something important rather than learning something new.

I continue to be amazed at the quality and depth of your thinking and your incredibly refreshing sincerity. I will continue to explore the libraries of your mind with great eagerness. Thank you for being alive.

The question is how do we get this information into the damaged minds of the mainstream public. Just this brief introduction took over an hour. Most people, and especially our kids, have become texting junkies who can't pay attention long enough to even read whole words. How can we possibly teach them, or even interest them, in the Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric they were denied. Escaping reality, or whining and complaining about it, is so much easier than assuming personal responsibility for our social problems. So how do we get from less than 1% of the population consuming the knowledge you convey to over 10%, 20% or even 30%? What rhetoric needs to be developed?

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Author

I realize that it is dangerous, and probably futile, to ask people to read and sustain critical thinking for more than 100 words, but it really is necessary before suggesting solutions.

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Funny, in a sad kinda way.

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Thank you for sharing this video! The only way we will EVER turn the tide and alter our planned future is to SHARE ideas that will change the minds of the masses into one that is seeking solutions to our problems instead of fearing the inevitable.

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Thanks for your work, I’m trying to see the videos you have right now, it’s gonna take me a bit of time to digest them! Thank you so much!

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I’ve now watched “The Most Imp.Vid. in the World”, and found the channel, so I’m on the way. Slowly, as this really needs a lot of attention. Bear with me! Only trouble is I don’t really have anyone to share these with, but I’ll think of something.

Another substacker should cross post your stack I think Don. And Jake, if he’s still having trouble with money could start his own stack, I don’t know what others would think, he could have voluntary donations, etc. I don’t like paying to comment on a stack, but other people may not mind.

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Jake has a substack of his own https://jakejackson.substack.com/

It is really hard to stay motivated when my posts are only viewed a few hundred times while all the popular gloom and doom sites are getting millions of views. I hate pay walls too and am offended by them. Donations should be strictly voluntary.

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Jul 1Liked by don findlay

Oh, thanks for Jake’s substack, I should’ve checked. I’ll be looking at his stuff for a while Don, I hope for some proper education, and am quite intrigued. I have a scientific sort of education behind me, and it’s going to stay behind me, since I’ve been learning since covid, that a lot of my education has been wrong. In that sense, covid has been very beneficial. So to learn totally new stuff is great!

I think some people on substack do need the money to stay alive, so I won’t begrudge them that, but some, and I won’t name names, are indeed quite wealthy, and have been demonstrated to be controlled opposition, or pharma shills etc. They know who they are and should hang their heads in shame.

I also think a lot of people have FOMO-fear of missing out, so they’ve got to, just GOT to keep up with what the big name ratbags are saying. I don’t blame you for feeling discouraged, but look at it this way-I wouldn’t have thought you were having hundreds of views even, because only 2 people have clicked the like button! For me, I think maybe some people don’t look much or “like” the post because they’ve actually got to leave substack and watch a video and report back so to speak. It’s hard work for some people! Maybe throw in a funny animal video or a meme or something-might help.

But, the most important thing is you’ve got God on your side, and He’s on my side also, and He’s allowing me to view something that is very important, via your good self, and that’s Jake’s work. And Jake is very grateful to you as well.

I really think I’m going to learn something big. I and my small family will never take any jabs they try to force on us, and we live in Australia! People keep saying this-“people are waking up”. But I say they’re a bit slow for my liking.

Try not to be discouraged-God knows who the pretenders are-and I’ll get back to you when I’ve learnt a bit more! If God is for us, who can be against us?!

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I already watched Jake’s video, and saw he has many more, explaining even how this can work in different countries.

I’m just having trouble finding them again Don, I’d like to read/watch more before discussing where I’m at, so give me some time, it will take me a while. I don’t watch many videos, I’m more of a reader, but I really want to see what he’s offering the whole world. At least he has “doable” solutions. As the saying goes, talk is cheap, and I’m sick of talking

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Take your time to read and ponder. That is the most important first step in building a solid resistance.

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Yep, thanks Don!

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