Apr 20Liked by don findlay

We push barter as much as poss. & use our cash mostly. We are hijacked by banks & their charges if we need to transfer money(paying exam fees), if our kids want a good deal on data they would have to go through a bank,

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Yes, anonymity is important. Using our data to earn profits and control our behaviour is simply evil. So imagine you are on a committee given the task of designing a new money system. What would you want to base it on and use to measure its value (energy, time, gold, etc.). What purpose should it serve? How would it be created and by who? What would be the "correct" amount to ensure prosperity for everyone? How could we safeguard against forgeries and cheating? Please think about these types of questions and post your suggestions here.

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Our gov’t in Australia are on the brink of passing digital ID. Of course there’s been a lot of protest from the public, but the gov’t doesn’t care. They say it will be voluntary. Yeah, right! Australia will be a prison island, just as how the country was founded.

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voluntary right... just like eating and breathing

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Apr 20Liked by don findlay

Sean, I use cash as well and I try to stay with smaller shops. I know I am paying a bit more, but I really want them to survive. Sadly, many are now beginning to say they won't take cash.

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Apr 20Liked by don findlay

This is a great piece, as usual. I just wish that you had a much larger audience and others would share this information. I agree with everything you've written here with one exception - the politicials (elected officials - but not really by us, rather the globalists put them there for us to select from) are well aware of what's going on and they are on board with it. Don't be fooled - they love the power. I truly wish there were others with your integrity and energy. Thank you, Don

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You know what I envision... No need for any "money," from trade/barter on up to electronic bits. Free energy tech out in the open, making the accounting for Our energy added into the system pointless. Where social currency is use as motivation. Where the Betterment Ethic has replaced the slave's creed.

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

The Betterment Ethic vs. the Slave’s Creed (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-betterment-ethic-vs-the-slaves

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Your ideas are beautiful but right now people are too brainwashed to trust others to contribute productively to society. I think most support using money as a reward system to discipline "lazy" slackers who they believe would just take, consume without giving back.

I think people also like to pump up their egos by showing off the tangible, physical status symbols that the money system allows only a few to enjoy. Without money all people would have an equal chance to live fully and happily without special privileges. Even the middle class pride themselves on their superiority (moral, financial, physical, etc.) over others.

I understand the social reward systems that you describe. I just think they are beyond the realm of where most people's desires and self-images reside.

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While I agree that People cannot yet see, all We need is to get that free energy out. As 100% of the cost of EVERYTHING is energy - the resources sit here freely but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration - as the cost of energy is removed, prices will drop, and drop, and drop, until, in about 10 years I estimate, it will be more energy than it's worth to collect the penny for the house (or whatever).

In the meantime, as prices drop, We can afford to share ideas more widely, and People, now able to afford to live better, will embrace the ideas. For They have data that it is possible. And it will get to the point that People will show off creations, inventions, and such for having created it all.

Believe Me, free energy tech is THE key.

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Remember the good old days where after 7 years, the bankers granted everyone a jubilee on the debt and wiped it all clean and started all over again? That was a long time ago but they did it because of the compounding factor (the exponential function) of interest charges. There is a magical "exponential point" that makes the debt climb massively high after a certain time, something like 20 years. So it ends up that there is more debt than credit in the economy. The ancient bankers at least were fair. We need a jubilee right now. We can grant it to ourselves - if we have the cajones! Just stop paying interest at least and anyone can do that but it's best to buddy up with someone who'll do it too and even better if there was a lot of people who would do it. And keep 50% for yourself of it, and give 50% away to someone in your circle or community or local area who could use it. Don't forget, those funds will go to yourself (for having the courage to do this) and to someone who needs it in your area every month which could sustain someone or help. And that is how we rebuild community. Because when you give someone something, they usually feel good about you. And it brings more investment into the local area. One thing we have to understand with all our might is that the government or the banks or corporations are not going to change things for us. It's up to us to claim our sovereignty which means, our freedom. This we have to relearn after eons of being tortured and abused.

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The financial stuff is very important. I like your suggestions. I just wonder about getting drs, nurses, pharmacists etc to stop these injections and work for the “good” of humanity.

I am disabled with failed back surgery, and am on strong pain killers, trying to get off them is hard. I’ve tried some natural pain killers but they had no effect. I can’t see natural pain killers working for me, but I’ll try. And I certainly know there are people worse off than me.

I also use cash as much as possible, except for online stuff.

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Sorry to hear you are suffering. My wife is in the same boat and needs powerful injections to dull the pain. I can't imagine waking every morning to another day of excrutiating pain.

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I’m not as bad as your wife, I don’t need injections. But how would she cope if we had an all natural system of remedies? I realise that some strong pain killers are natural, they wouldn’t work if God hadn’t given us the receptors in the brain to use the products that do grow in nature, but they are manufactured now as tablets/capsules/injections etc. I don’t know how to make this system better. I guess naturopaths can.

I’ve never seen a naturopath, as it’s too expensive for me in Australia, and I live rural-hard to get to regional cities.

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