I agree with everything you wrote - sadly - we can only pray that even one of your suggestions is followed through on. I don't have a cell phone, and while it can be a bit inconvenient since our entire universe seems to depend on them for everything, I am managing just fine. The odd frustration in not having one is pretty minor. I find myself on the computer less and less these days - you are right - just distractions. We are at then stage where the technology is now controlling us rather than the other way around. I also use cash and have found a few places are beginning to refuse it. When I use cash, I tell the store that I'm saving jobs and banking fees...they need to see a benefit to keeping cash going as well.

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I surely stand with the sentiment, but the path, I suggest, is wrong. Stripping Ourselves of Our ability to communicate with Many simultaneously is a poor choice. Yes, the psychopaths in control own it and can watch. But the ability to "blast" info still is to Our advantage.

What I recommend is that We do all We can to strip Their single tool to power from Them by getting free energy flowing... I offer why:

The ONLY Tool (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-only-tool

Solving for Psychopaths in Control (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/solving-for-psychopaths-in-control

The ONLY Winning Move is Not to Play (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-only-winning-move-is-not-to-play

The Foundational Function of Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-foundational-function-of-money

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May 3·edited May 3Author

I knew 4) would be controversial but fortunately it is the least important of the four. 1) and 2) alone will disable their attack because everything they have in store for us depends upon having those two in place. We can implement these two actions ourselves, immediately, to strip away their power to control us. As individuals we have no way to influence or directly control making Free Energy a reality.

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May 4Liked by don findlay

I’m certainly interested as to what happens per your suggestions! 1) & 2) I pretty much do already, but some people-I just don’t reckon they can ditch their phones, without heavy withdrawal symptoms. Some have their whole life in their phones! It will be hard to get some to stop using phones.

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Yes, the willingly captured... their whole life in their phones. But if even just 60% ditch them, the technocRATS lose control.

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Yes, I agree that if a certain percentage ditch their phones and pay with cash as much as possible, then “they” could lose control and panic. How do you come up with 60% ? I’m in Australia btw. People in other countries seem to think all Aussies are captured. It has been said that only 1.5% of us have not had any covid vax, but I don’t agree with this. I think the number of unvaxxed here (I mean covid only) is much higher than this. Our ABS-Australian Bureau of Statistics-are playing games with the figures, I’ve never tried to figure how many of us are unvaxxed.

But if a certain percentage of us do 1) and 2), it would be a huge benefit. The problem I can see is getting people to think! And being able to convince them that this whole covid has been a sham. I can’t even get my sibling or in-laws to understand! But I know a lot of people were mandated to have these jabs against their will, simply to keep working. So hopefully these people will step up, as well as us unjabbed, as well as people who have been able to realise they were scammed. Some people just won’t admit that they were fooled.

We need to hurry though, as we know the CBDCs are coming soon enough. Our parliament has rammed the digital ID bill through the senate, and now our other house of parliament is looking at it, but they are taking a while. We also have the mis/dis/mal information online bill, where the only people not subject to it are parliamentarians. There’s another one, I just can’t think of it at the moment.

Then there’s the horrible WHO, who seem to be having problems agreeing to amendments. Or is this just a ruse? Either way it’s unlawful, as they’re not allowed to amend things, then vote asap; they’re meant to wait for 4 months to allow the participant states to consider these things, which should mean it’s impossible for a vote at the WHA next general assembly later this month. Does anybody at the WHO care? Probably not.

And how many of the general public know any of this? I really don’t know, and I don’t know if they’d understand or care right now. Life’s not bad in Australia if you’ve got a roof over your head. A lot would not want to listen.

I brought this up on another substack-I asked what people would think about not using the internet for ONE day! (Except for work) I said something like-wouldn’t that get the government in a spin, as well as other entities like WEF. Anyway, just one day without internet. You know how many replies I got? NONE!! Not very encouraging.

And as for me sharing stuff on social media, well the only one I’m on is substack, but I think I have an account on Rumble. And I really don’t have any friends, except acquaintances in businesses near where I live. I live rural btw. So I can’t share stuff with anyone.

Surely government members and the bureaucratic staff can think of this all impacting them and their families and friends! Or have they just collected a whole lot of money to be quiet about it, and been promised they’ll be looked after? Because that surely won’t happen here in Australia. Why would the people at the “top” of the pyramid want to keep giving money to these useful idiots? If you’re in America, wouldn’t it be the same there? Except for maybe a handful. Same goes for all the cops and defence forces who have been told what they’re expected to do. Do these people really think they’ll be valued in the future?

What sort of deranged people want their kids growing up in this type of world?

Anyway, that’s my 2 cents, for what it’s worth. I know I’ve brought up a lot of issues here, but we’ve got to think fairly hard about what to do about our situation. I agree that if we can get a certain % of people to stop using phones/internet for a while, there may be a chance of scaring the bad guys. But we’ve got to get to this % and get them to participate.

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Thank-you for this heartfelt comment. I learn how to adjust to living without a cell phone every time some website wants to send me an SMS text verification code. I gladly ignore them and am thankful that they have identified their loyalty to the masters of the new world order. It's easy for me to put freedom before convenience and to find other sources for goods and services. This is one of the responsibilities of freedom that most people choose to ignore.

The same goes for using cash. When a merchant refuses to accept cash, thank them for identifying their support for a surveillance dictatorship. Tell them that you will be happy to take your business to merchant that respects individual choice and privacy.

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Well, if We have money and a place, and the time, We surely can get free energy out - if I had those things, I would. And share My successes freely.

Still and all, When enough of Us stand sovereign, They will struggle.

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