Jun 12Liked by don findlay

Not a sword out of place. Perfectly stated. Why do freedom activists rarely talk about the main thing that drives this dystopia? Why aren't they talking about the money? I suspect it's because they may be entrenched in the spell themselves - many justifying charging for their work to inform humanity saying that they have to live too. Yes they do and they must find another way other than through their freedom activism. The money bug is hard to shake off. We need to come together and discuss alternatives to bank-issued (debt) money. it's easier when we are all onboard with this.

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Thanks Denise, I always appreciate your replies. Comments are my sole reward for the effort of writing. Without them I would question why I bother writing at all.

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Jun 13Liked by don findlay

Many many people do not understand the money system(s)

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Oh so true... I offer https://monetaryReform.com and https://financialParty.ca to help them understand

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As long as We retain the accounting for Our energy added into a system, sooner or later psychopaths will be promoted to the top. And the Ones there now are not going to let go of Their power for some other energy accounting scheme.

As You know, My work is to solve for being slaves who have to account for Our energy on a planet that belongs to Us all, and an interest in its wealth (kept in "TRUSTS"), such that ALL of Us can live as richly as We choose.

Add free energy tech - which if I had the wherewithal to bring forth I would, but sadly I must rely on Others - and the point to accounting for Our energy vanishes.

Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/electrogravitics-my-knowledge-of

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

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I love that your writing stimulates the reader to imagine what life could become once we step outside the trap of conventional thinking. Free unlimited energy to power our imagination, creativity and machines would definitely liberate humanity from the need to beg for a living wage. We would need a hell of a lot of robots though if millions decided not to do anything except what they loved. Ownership and controlled distribution (scarcity) could still be a problem and the question of how to redistribute existing assets and positions of power would have to be worked out.

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In truth, Don, We wouldn't need many more than We have now. 80% of Us do "jobs" that overall merely move wealth up to the psychopaths in control. That's 80% of Us doing no needed work for society. And robots are already doing many things.

And... Many People LOVE to farm, LOVE to build things, LOVE to design things, LOVE to create robots - and even robot-fixing robots... There are People who LOVE to do most anything We need done.

And not counting the damage the psychopaths are doing now, We had a vast abundance of things - enough food to feed about 125% of Us - but 30-40% spoils before sale, leaving Many hungry. With no money, the produce would be consumed fresh, and waste would be minimal.

And... With no money, planned obsolescence would vanish. And THAT creates 90-95% of the waste We see.

Ownership of power? We all will have access to free power...

One Outcome in Abundance (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/one-outcome-in-abundance

Abundance -> Cooperation; Scarcity -> Competition (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/abundance-cooperation-scarcity-competition

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Rip, Edwin Black

He says it perfectly...


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