Donald Trump may not be the ideal candidate for the president of the United States but he is certainly a hell of a lot better choice than the tyrannical Democrat Internationalists. Robert Kennedy Jr. gives an excellent summary of how completely the Democratic Party has betrayed the core values that it stood for in the 1960s and 70s in this interview with Tucker Carlson. Like the Liberal Party and NDP in Canada, the Democrats have become cheerleaders for stakeholder capitalism and a corporate-controlled One World Government. The disrespect that both the Harris Democrats and the Trudeau Liberals have for free speech, representative government, unbiased justice and the rights and freedoms of average citizens is almost unfathomable. Anyone who can’t hear the jackboots yet or see the death camps right around the corner isn’t paying attention to the alternative news alerts.
At least for now, the United States has a strong defender of nationalism and free enterprise in Donald Trump. Trump is the revival of US Manifest Destiny. No international organizations or governments shall dictate the laws and priorities of the American way of life… period. The UN, the European Union, China, Russia and the rest of the world can do what they want as long as they don’t tread on American rights and values. This is leadership… and I wish we would bring it to Canada and bring it down to the provincial and municipal levels of government too. We now have sufficient technology to allow the people to govern themselves with minimal interference from bureaucracies and corporate/government agencies. At the ground level, people know what they need and most people are willing to work honestly and fairly to get it. Only when things grow too big and consolidate too many resources does the trouble begin. Municipalities can know their citizens and understand the local needs far better than isolated bureaucrats who manipulate computer modelled virtual realities and mentally inbreed in large metropolitan centers.
So who will come to save Canada from the totalitarian internationalists. Certainly not the Liberals, the NDP or the Bloc Quebecois who in the last election all together received 9,894,592 votes. That combined total represents only 32% of the Canadian population, 18 years or older, who are eligible to vote and only 36% of all registered voters. Trudeau’s Liberal Party that rules as though it was given a mandate from God himself to rule over every aspect of our private lives received an endorsement from only 17.9% of the 18+ population. Clearly this is not effective democracy. The political system is broken and over 10 million Canadians believe it is now pointless to vote... that’s nearly twice the number of people who voted for Trudeau’s Liberal Party.
Canada doesn’t have a multi-millionaire rebel like Donald Trump. The only reason anyone ever heard of Donald Trump was because he was able to bankroll the expense of starting his own campaign. Anyone in Canada with that much money is already deeply imbedded and aligned with the herd of internationalists. The UN has coopted the use of language itself to confuse the public and obscure the true evil behind their agendas. Canada’s legacy institutions and media corporations broadcast the same warm and fuzzy lies to gullible, indoctrinated ears from coast to coast. At the same time new laws are written to censor and criminalize truth-tellers and alternative ideas. The main contributors to Canada’s legacy media outlets are the Canadian government, the drug companies and a handful of corporate multinationals whose investments span the globe. Is it really any wonder that most Canadians have no idea about what is really going down?
So I ask you to consider, and then nominate, who you believe might be most suited to become the saviour and defender of Canada. We certainly have a few well known rebels, like Jordan Peterson who has the chutzpah and charisma to stir up voters, but I don’t want to pollute your own creativity by suggesting names. Please add your nominations in the comments and circulate this question to all of your friends and contacts.
God save Canada
Jordan Peterson is not the answer old mate, please refer to his buddies in ARC to back up my claim. He is that far up himself you can only see his boots.Pro jabbing bully from the early days.👍🇦🇺
The Supreme Court in Canada ruled that an elected representative in Canada has 'no legal duty' to their constituents.
J. WILTON LITTLECHILD M.P. v. Citizens of Canada Docket No. 9012000725
10TH December, A.D. 1990
“I know of no legal duty on an elected representative at any level of government to consult with his constituents or determine their views. While such an obligation may generally be considered desirable, there is no legal requirement. I adopt the quotation from the trial in the Roman Corporation case, where he said:”
Roman Corp. v. Hudson’s Bay Oil & Gas Co., [1973] S.C.R. 820
Date: 1973-05-07
“It is of the essence of our parliament system of government that our elected representatives should be able to perform their duties courageously and resolutely in what they consider to be the best interests of Canada, free from any worry of being called to account anywhere except in parliament.”