Jordan Peterson is not the answer old mate, please refer to his buddies in ARC to back up my claim. He is that far up himself you can only see his boots.Pro jabbing bully from the early days.👍🇦🇺

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Thanks for the warning. I just mentioned him as an example because he is well known and currently confronting the beast. I never looked into what he's really all about.

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The Supreme Court in Canada ruled that an elected representative in Canada has 'no legal duty' to their constituents.

J. WILTON LITTLECHILD M.P. v. Citizens of Canada Docket No. 9012000725

10TH December, A.D. 1990


“I know of no legal duty on an elected representative at any level of government to consult with his constituents or determine their views. While such an obligation may generally be considered desirable, there is no legal requirement. I adopt the quotation from the trial in the Roman Corporation case, where he said:”

Roman Corp. v. Hudson’s Bay Oil & Gas Co., [1973] S.C.R. 820

Date: 1973-05-07


“It is of the essence of our parliament system of government that our elected representatives should be able to perform their duties courageously and resolutely in what they consider to be the best interests of Canada, free from any worry of being called to account anywhere except in parliament.”

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True, and immunity from prosecution is the icing on the cake.

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Double yikes!!!

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Yikes! Australia’s probably next for this type thing (if it’s not already done-many things happen that we don’t see!)

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Canada does not need a Donald Trump, Canada needs a real person, who is doing the job they are suppose and that is for the people of Canada. Will PP save us, or is he part of the problem. I was leaning towards Pierre Poilerrie, but I am not sure. He has done nothing regarding the Covid Bio Weapon, to me it is very important to open the can of worms which he refuses to do. People are dying left and right and turbo cancers etc. The only two things different are Covid Bio Weapon and the 5G military rollout. Until a politician says he will pull us out of the UN, WHO, WEF etc and stop vaccine mandates then they are the same as the others. We have believed that we have different parties, and it is nothing but a hoax, how is it that Bloc Quebec runs as a federal party, yet do not give a shit about the rest of Canada. That should not be allowed. Out here on the west coast of BC there is no point in voting as it is already won by the time we vote. It all needs to be taken down. It is all a farce.

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I agree totally. I don't personally like or trust Donald Trump, but he is a good example of someone from outside the establishment cabal who fought his way in. Someone in Canada must do the same thing. Tamara Lich is famous nationwide and has shown the right stuff. If standing up for freedom is mischief, we need some mischief in parliament.

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Wow, a true voice-you know what’s what Diane, I can tell!

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That’s a really great post Don! Surely a majority of people in the western world have heard of Trudeau and what a tyrant he is! Especially since the Canadian truckers actions.

That idiot Trudeau surely didn’t know what to do when they turned up in the capital ! Because nothing really happened for a day or three, I’m almost sure Trudeau phoned Klaus Schwab for advice!

But Canada is not alone in having low vote numbers for a P.M. to be appointed. Australia has Mr 32%, Anthony Albanese. He only managed 32% of the primary vote, so had to do deals with the Greens, at least, maybe more, I’m not entirely sure. 32% is the smallest number of primary votes that a Prime Minister has ever achieved-I’m pretty sure I read that.

Australians also are disillusioned with voting. I don’t know numbers, but many know our Prime Ministers are selected, not elected. We have had a uniparty for a long time, of just a left and a right favouring party, now I reckon we have three other parties added to this uniparty, including the Greens-who have an enormous amount of clout due to the deals done to get the left leaning P.M. in power.

Roc is correct about Peterson also, there was a great expose about him and the ARC as Roc says, I can’t remember who did it. Peterson bores me to tears! He’s basically C.O.

But I don’t know enough about people in Canada who could be a “Trump”. (And no-he’s definitely not the answer, for one, he’s proud of “Warp Speed” and two-some say he’s a freemason, maybe an honourary 33 degree one.)

I wonder if the people of “kicklei” I think it’s called, have some ideas. They are working at the local council level, but probably have ideas of whom they would see as a good P.M. if one exists. There are a scant few I’d consider in Australia, but they’d be stonewalled.

Wasn’t there someone…Pierre, as a surname? Something like that-what happened to him?

But, I think voting is a waste of time, in Australia at least, and Canadians seem to agree!

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Oh dear, I just took a shallow dive into ARC and just about drowned in the bullshit. Sorry I mentioned Peterson at all.

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Here’s some more info about ARC and Peterson https://actionabletruth.substack.com/p/alliance-for-responsible-citizenship-truth

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wow!... what an eye opener for me. I had no idea. thanks

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Thank Michael Ginsberg, for all his work on Actionable Truth-he does exceptional work! I wish we had more Aussies like him! He suggests actions we can do!

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Don’t worry about it Don, we’ve got your back 😀 just joking-keep doing what you do!

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No other system of governance provides as much opportunity for external control of nations and mass deception of populations as the engineered multi-party electoral system.

Rulers care not what side you are on (Democrat/Republican, Liberal/Conservative] they only care that you pick a side b/c divisiveness make people easier to manipulate and control. https://discernreport.com/the-biggest-lie-most-people-still-believe/

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Too true!!

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Dear One... NO ONE put up by the owners of the for-profit corporation, USA Inc., is "good." Sure, They're painting Trump as a "beset hero," making campaign promises right and left, casting sandy hooks into Our emotions and dragging Us into believing that He's "The Savior" - or at least "better than the other wing" (of the same dirty bird that controls both).

But the whole is to keep Us entrained and distracted, consenting to be ruled by that psychopathic mess. As I have offered elsewhere:

Trump it the BEST! He keeps campaign promises!!! He locked up Killary! He built the wall - and Mexico paid for it! He drained the swamp! He balanced the debt! He released all the JFK files! He reinvestigated 9/11!

Oh, wait... He praised Killary at His inauguration banquet... No wall was built and Mexico paid for nothing... He appointed the swamp... The debt rose 8.4 trillion... Only a smattering of insignificant files on JFK were released... And no reinvestigation of 9/11 happened.

Beyond that, He pushed Operation Warp Speed, and... Called Himself the "father of the vaccine."

Yeah, He works for Us, alright.

Maybe it's time We stopped watching the "heroes" and "villains" on Their stage, rooting for one or another... Choose to demonstrate sovereignty and co-create better!

The GentleOne’s Solution (article): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/The-GentleOnes-Solution:c

I Have a Blueprint (article): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/I-Have-a-Blueprint-Article:f

A Better Economic System (article): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/A-Better-Economic-System:2

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All the guff now about Trump and RFKjr is making me feel ill and making me wonder why are these people so gullible! People in America I’ve followed because they tell whatever problem is happening properly, some of these have collapsed into insanity, saying things like-now we may be saved, there’s hope for our children, etc. No offence meant to people who care about children, as we all should do.

Have they forgotten that hollywood and disneyland can also make things appear to be wonderful?!

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I know, right? [sigh} No "leaders" on the (literal) world stage are truly caring Ones who aim for the best for Us. Not here. Not in Canada. Not in Europe, Asia, South America, Australia, Africa, or Antarctica (if there are any there). They're all installed, cast into Their roles by the psychopaths in control on Our planet.

As long as We look to that puppet show to be saved, We are lost. We must personally tale Our stand as sovereigns, and free!

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting


Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

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Very true Ami, they are all installed puppets. I think more people slowly are seeing this. Then maybe we can make them all irrelevant!

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