I address the most important underlying issues that are causing ALL of the major crises in society AND OFFER LIBERATING SOLUTIONS but virtually NOBODY gives a shit enough to even pass this information along. My last 6 posts should have gone VIRAL but they have barely a hundred views. Over 90% of the population would benefit financially from the proposals that I am making and every single student would benefit from being paid to develop themselves rather than trapping themselves in post-secondary debt. Yet this vision of a saner world is not being shared across all social media platforms. People are not discussing these solutions or recommending them to others. These ideas remain trapped here and invisible to the wider public.
Thank-you to anyone who HAS sent an email to a friend, or posted a tweet on Twitter or Facebook or Telegram. If depressing news and superficial nonsense can spread to millions overnight, surely positive solutions should be able to do the same. The only thing that is holding society back from sanity is the insane belief that sanity is impossible to attain. THEY ARE ENTERING OUR BODIES through the air we breathe, the food and water we ingest, the medicines and pharmaceuticals we allow. THEY ARE CHANGING OUR DNA and transforming us into robots that they can control with satellites and cell phone towers. They are taking over global governments, global natural resources, global farmland, food and water supplies, knowledge and communication resources and worst of all THEY ARE DISCIPLINING OUR EXPECTATIONS WITH WAR.
This is far worse than a sci-fi movie or an Orwellian novel… THIS IS REALITY and failing to resist the global takeover is cultural and genetic suicide. WAKE THE FUCK UP and let’s stop this now!
One more thing folks, avoid The Wellness Company they just whip up the fear but provide the "solutions". BS, imo, just as bad, if not worse than the other crowd.
Don I so relate to your frustration. This week I thought to myself - what do we do when it seems like so few people want to do something? Gee it's almost a cultural norm that you're not even responded to when you reach out to others. I was trying to get my head around it, and asked myself "what will happen to humankind with this failure to respond?" let alone actually do something. The overlords have pegged us humans right, they know that en masse we are "in formation", the crowd mind, the herd. I would have thought by now we'd be on other currencies, we'd be receiving rewards for keeping a low pollution footprint, but no - nothing has changed. Lots of talk of love and kindness but that will not get us out of this labyrinth on their own. And should we be loving and kind to people who need to be shaken to see what is infront of us?