One more thing folks, avoid The Wellness Company they just whip up the fear but provide the "solutions". BS, imo, just as bad, if not worse than the other crowd.
Don I so relate to your frustration. This week I thought to myself - what do we do when it seems like so few people want to do something? Gee it's almost a cultural norm that you're not even responded to when you reach out to others. I was trying to get my head around it, and asked myself "what will happen to humankind with this failure to respond?" let alone actually do something. The overlords have pegged us humans right, they know that en masse we are "in formation", the crowd mind, the herd. I would have thought by now we'd be on other currencies, we'd be receiving rewards for keeping a low pollution footprint, but no - nothing has changed. Lots of talk of love and kindness but that will not get us out of this labyrinth on their own. And should we be loving and kind to people who need to be shaken to see what is infront of us?
What really bothers me is that all of the most popular newsletters and websites are intentionally terrorizing people and poisoning them emotionally with continuous horror stories that disable people from focusing on the necessary positive solutions. Once a person is aware of the corruption and the attack on individual liberty, they must focus on defensive collective actions that address the true foundational problems with society. Each day it seems more and more likely that the leaders of the "Freedom Fighters" and the "Truth Movement" are actually complicit in the demoralization and disempowerment of people.
Your last paragraph has nailed it Don. The self proclaimed "freedom fighters" here in Oz are white anters imo. They speak of forgiveness, moving on & engaging with the bastards who locked us up. Anything like your initiatives are completely ignored because they want to "fight" the WHO, whilst our own beautiful country burns around our ears. Whatever they are doing is, imo, just a running down of the clock until the next farce occurs. Stay solid, you are on the correct path & Merry Christmas to you and your family.👍🇦🇺🦘
I think you put it exactly how it is. Yes, I am tired of listening to people talking about Putin, Trump, this debacle, that debacle. Yes we know - it's all bad. So what do we do about it folks! We need to put pressure on them. I had this with a Free State Project advocate today, all they do is pat themselves on the back. They really haven't got a new paradigm to live by, they are just getting like minds that object to government. That's a first step and I'm not knocking it, but they're not going the next step which is working out strategies to go further. They don't want to talk about the way they are still chasing (bank-issued) money (or crypto) and cannot see the problem with this. Ugh.
Hi Don, I’m not on any other social media-just substack. I’ve been rather ill, lately too. Our gov’t just forces through bills like digital ID, and no social media for kids<16 years-how will they enforce that? Digital ID.
People here just want to sign petitions, and vote the right people in-I tell them that’s not going to work, it seems only a few of us Aussies know this. But I don’t know what’s happening on other social media.
I have to go over your articles again. Thanks for all you are doing Don !
Well, You know Me. Aiming to hit the root rather than change the decorations. I like Your heart, but as You know, I think Your view is one that will not take hold. It requires most People do do something, whereas I just need a Few to get the free energy tech out in the open, and from there it flows.
One more thing folks, avoid The Wellness Company they just whip up the fear but provide the "solutions". BS, imo, just as bad, if not worse than the other crowd.
Don I so relate to your frustration. This week I thought to myself - what do we do when it seems like so few people want to do something? Gee it's almost a cultural norm that you're not even responded to when you reach out to others. I was trying to get my head around it, and asked myself "what will happen to humankind with this failure to respond?" let alone actually do something. The overlords have pegged us humans right, they know that en masse we are "in formation", the crowd mind, the herd. I would have thought by now we'd be on other currencies, we'd be receiving rewards for keeping a low pollution footprint, but no - nothing has changed. Lots of talk of love and kindness but that will not get us out of this labyrinth on their own. And should we be loving and kind to people who need to be shaken to see what is infront of us?
What really bothers me is that all of the most popular newsletters and websites are intentionally terrorizing people and poisoning them emotionally with continuous horror stories that disable people from focusing on the necessary positive solutions. Once a person is aware of the corruption and the attack on individual liberty, they must focus on defensive collective actions that address the true foundational problems with society. Each day it seems more and more likely that the leaders of the "Freedom Fighters" and the "Truth Movement" are actually complicit in the demoralization and disempowerment of people.
Your last paragraph has nailed it Don. The self proclaimed "freedom fighters" here in Oz are white anters imo. They speak of forgiveness, moving on & engaging with the bastards who locked us up. Anything like your initiatives are completely ignored because they want to "fight" the WHO, whilst our own beautiful country burns around our ears. Whatever they are doing is, imo, just a running down of the clock until the next farce occurs. Stay solid, you are on the correct path & Merry Christmas to you and your family.👍🇦🇺🦘
Thanks Roc... same to you
Luckily God has provided this group without being inflicted with mass formation psychosis by the psychopaths
yes, the truth repels the psychosis and leads towards the power and light of love
I think you put it exactly how it is. Yes, I am tired of listening to people talking about Putin, Trump, this debacle, that debacle. Yes we know - it's all bad. So what do we do about it folks! We need to put pressure on them. I had this with a Free State Project advocate today, all they do is pat themselves on the back. They really haven't got a new paradigm to live by, they are just getting like minds that object to government. That's a first step and I'm not knocking it, but they're not going the next step which is working out strategies to go further. They don't want to talk about the way they are still chasing (bank-issued) money (or crypto) and cannot see the problem with this. Ugh.
Hi Don, I’m not on any other social media-just substack. I’ve been rather ill, lately too. Our gov’t just forces through bills like digital ID, and no social media for kids<16 years-how will they enforce that? Digital ID.
People here just want to sign petitions, and vote the right people in-I tell them that’s not going to work, it seems only a few of us Aussies know this. But I don’t know what’s happening on other social media.
I have to go over your articles again. Thanks for all you are doing Don !
Hello Don. What if your publications are being shadow banned?
That would be awful, but I don't think that is the problem. Referrals are getting through.
Well, You know Me. Aiming to hit the root rather than change the decorations. I like Your heart, but as You know, I think Your view is one that will not take hold. It requires most People do do something, whereas I just need a Few to get the free energy tech out in the open, and from there it flows.
The End of (Social) Entropy (article):
o.k. well hurry up will ya
Doing all I can. LOL! Love always!